This has been a very full's been good but also a little hectic. We had a bit of an upheaval in our living situation and have been staying at the Ellis-Dewey residence for the last couple weeks - which has been great except that Ellis and Dewey have been on the east coast for half of that time and I have to say that I enjoy this place SO MUCH more when they are here. And so does Koze!
So we moving in with Marisa, Peter and Simon in March and are very much looking forward to being their roommates. Simon is such a cool little guy and I'm glad that Koze will be hanging out with him over the next several months.
I have taken a lot of pictures over the last month but because of moving all over the place I don't have the ability at the moment to post any of those but will get them up soon enough. But here is my little 3 month update:
Koze is becoming so much more aware of his surroundings...He spends a lot of his awake time staring at things like curtains, lights, anything hanging on a wall and FACES. My favorite times with him are when he first wakes up in the morning. He stirs around for a little bit, stretches a couple times and then opens those adorable eyes. Then we talk for a few minutes - I ask him how he slept and how he's feeling and let him know what we're planning for the day and he coos little responses to a lot of what I say. He really is a great little conversationalist for being such a little guy.
And there has been music - he really does like classical music and mozart. He also likes soft and pretty guitar music. One song I play a lot for him is M Ward's Chinese Translation. When he hears something he likes he gets really quiet, opens his eyes a little wider and turns his head toward the source of the music, which is usually my laptop. I think
my favorite song to listen to with him is Never Had Nobody Like You also by M Ward. We listen to it at least twice a day and we DANCE. So much fun.
Last week Koze went to see Dr Neuman for his well child check up. He weighed 11lbs 13oz and is in the 95th percentile. And a good 2 weeks before his 3 month birthday he started growing out of the 0-3month size clothes and is fitting quite comfortably in the 3-6 month size - which kind of blows my mind because while he is 3 months old he was also TWO MONTHS early. I stopped explaining to people that ask how old he is that he was early after a couple times of being told that he looks about the right size for a 3 month old. I guess that drinking coffee while I was pregnant didn't shrink my baby's head after all - a lady on my bus told me it would when I was about 5months pregnant.
During that visit with Neuman we also decided on a plan for vaccinating Koze. This is one reason why I LOVE LOVE LOVE this Dr. She is completely supportive of me as a parent wanting to do what I think is best for Koze. She listened to my concerns and was totally fine with taking quite a few of the vaccines out of the mix entirely and waiting until he is much older to give him others. There are 3 that we are going to do in the first year because there are fewer incidents of bad reactions and because Neuman has had patients that have gotten sick, right here in Portland, that were not vaccinated. So I feel good about it - although he did have his first shot on Friday and it was a pretty rough night. I ended up giving him Tylenol, which I'm not a fan of for him or myself, but it was to the point where it was necessary. And after he had it he calmed down within just a few minutes.
March should be another busy month - getting settled into the swenson's and I will be starting school so there is lots to do in preparation for that.
Well he's awake....time to get back to being a mom.