Saturday, June 27, 2009

twenty seven years/eleven weeks

Yesterday was my 27th birthday! Yay! the girls at work threw a little office party complete with little pancake balls, cantaloupe and cake. It was very fun and I actually ate until I was full. Felt great! I then took Lucy May for a walk and promptly feel asleep. Working eight hours a day is the most exhausting thing for me right now.

Today my mom and Brad took me to the Salish Lodge for a birthday brunch. The weather was beautiful, we had a great view and despite not feeling well I enjoyed a nice bowl of oatmeal with blackberries and hot chocolate. So delicious.

My baby is eleven weeks and two days today. Despite being pretty sick today I do think the morning sickness is starting to subside. Hooray! I can't wait to feel somewhat normal again.

Oh and I got a camera for my birthday so I will be able to start taking pictures! I'm very excited about this!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

We are going to the beach

My little almond and I were up early this morning, packing and doing laundry in preparation for our weekend at the beach. My friend Nicole and I are escaping for a couple of days to Cannon Beach. We have no specific plans except to relax and catch up...and if the weather isn't too terrible we may have a bon fire.

I told a few more people about the baby this week. Lindsey, Marisa and my roommate Chrissy. They were all extremely supportive and I feel so much better now that they know. I am very grateful to have such wonderful and loving people in my life.

Well I need to finish getting ready and run to the bank before Nicole gets here so I've got to go but hopefully I'll have some fun pictures of the beach to post on here later.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

10 Weeks Today

Here we are, ten weeks into it and everything is going beautifully. It still shocks me every once in awhile that I'm going to be a mom but I can't help but feel excited and so happy about this new life that will soon be joining me.

My official due date is January 25, 2010. I guess technically it should be January 14th but my midwife, Laura, pushed it back since first time mom's on average deliver 8 days past the due date. It's just three days past my dad's birthday so i think he's rooting for the 22nd.

I'm not really showing yet and have actually lost around ten pounds because of the morning sickness but I discovered a few days ago that I can't pull my stomach in. I just have this permanent little pooch there which I understand to be more a result of my digestive system slowing way down and not really a result of the kid, who at this point is only about 1 1/4 inch long. Still so little.

In Portland and not working today so am planning on napping, cooking, walking and maybe going down to ReRun to check out their baby clothes. Then tonight I'm working at the Crystal Ballroom for some Reggae show. (ick!)

Will start posting belly pics soon.