Thursday, November 26, 2009


Koze and I spent our first Thanksgiving together in the NICU. It wasn't much different from any other day that we've been here. We spent our usual times together, every three hours through out the day and we had a visit from Tom, Marisa and TVA who brought me delicious thanksgiving foods to enjoy.

I gave Koze this card that I bought when I was in Nelson, BC earlier this year, before I was pregnant with him. I was trying to think of what I could do to make his little bed a little more festive for the holiday and attempted to make some fallish decorations - they did not turn out as I had imagined and then I remembered that I had this card in my laptop bag. The colors were perfect and it provided a nice opportunity for me to write him his first card, telling him how grateful I am to have him here with me.


  1. I wish I could have been there! Although it's probably better that I didn't since I got sick later that night :(
    But I love the card and I love that you wrote to him!

  2. we miss you. get better soon!
