Sunday, November 22, 2009

update and poop story

Koze is doing so well and showing improvement every day. He has had to be under lights because he's had jaundice but yesterday they took the lights away. He's been doing surprisingly well with breast feeding considering how little he is. And this morning they were able to take his iv out because he's getting enough fluid just from the milk we've been giving him.

His nurse last night, Ann, told me that he had the biggest poop ever. I guess she started to change him and then he just kept pooping every time she'd put a fresh diaper under him until he'd gone through 4 diapers. And at one point while Ann's hands were full he decided to put both hands down in his dirty diaper before she could stop him. Ann asked him if he was finished yet and she said he smiled and kind of grunted at her. What a cool kid I have.

It seems like everyday he spends more time with his eyes open looking around trying to focus. Its my favorite thing that he does right now.


  1. I love all your updates on your new baby boy em all!

  2. I especially liked the part about the smile and cute! Just can't wait to see him...
