this is K attempting to sit up just after the 4 month mark...
Super rad onesie from Brandon Summers of the Helio Sequence, who was also a preemie.
One last close up of Koze's crazy baby hair highlights...it has since fallen out.
K's Easter Dinosaur
Patty Griffin at the Crystal
After the show
Bath time
We've made it another month...and what a fun month it has been!!! Koze is becoming the happiest most loving baby I have ever met!!! Every single morning I am greeted with the biggest smile...he oozes with joy when he wakes up. Probably my favorite time of the day.
Some new developments: He has lost almost all of his baby hair and is looking a little bald (but still adorable) these days...which is a new thing for him (the baldness - NOT the adorableness). He is becoming quite social and loves to meet new people. He does not like his bottle cold - heat it up please. Fascinated with tv but I do not let him watch it. Is becoming more sensitive to unpleasant noises such as sirens, blow dryers, and actually cries when he hears them now...which makes me want to cry too. He is working very hard at grabbing object that are within reach, especially my cell phone. And as soon as he get it he brings it directly to his mouth...such a funny instinct that babies have. He tries to sing when I do and will talk your ear off when he gets the urge.
Our project for this month will be sitting up...will keep you updated on developments.