We are just one month shy of having been in each others lives for an entire year. It has FLOWN by. Here are some of the fun and adorable things you've been doing lately: You are learning what it means to share as you can see in the video of you and Lily. You've started waving goodbye and blowing kisses, which I LOVE! The other morning when I woke up I was greeted by your handsome smile and then a great big kiss - I almost died it was so sweet. You also got your first two teeth - they are in an unusual place...on top and to the sides (kind of like little vampire fangs). Dr Neuman says that its pretty rare for those teeth to come in first. It will be perfect for halloween though.
You also had your dedication this month on Oct 10th at Door of Hope, the church we attend. And you had your first trip to the ER because of some pretty bad tummy aches you were having. You did SO great and were so brave and it turned out to just be an intense stomach virus which ended up lasting a little over three weeks. It was so sad to see you not feeling well.
Random pics from this month...
Lily and Koze "sharing"