Koze is six weeks and two days old today. And as of Wednesday he is 7lbs 11oz and 20 inches long/tall. The hard part about this parenting business is the decreased amount of sleep I get and the increase in my need for coffee. I love the stuff but have never felt that I
needed that cup of coffee everyday until now. But even when I feel exhausted beyond belief I am always happy to see him when he wakes up. I love our little talks we have between the naps that we take.
Yesterday and today he has been eating (and pooping) like CRAZY! I'm having a hard time fathoming that he's actually that hungry...must be a growth spur. Or maybe he's not feeling quite like himself and is just nursing for the comfort of it. Who knows!!
He's finally asleep. He woke up from his last nap at 7pm and it is now 12:42am. Quite a bit longer than he usually stays awake...hopefully he'll sleep really well!!!
So want to quickly note what we did for Christmas and New Years Eve.
Christmas we spent in Seattle with his Grammy and Stampa, stauntie Mira and Stuncles Truman and Van. GG and Grandma Mahugh were also there. It was a wonderful Christmas. We both received books to read and Koze got some awesome blankies, onsies and DIAPERS!!!! Lots of them. I think the diapers were my favorite gift. Money is tight and sometimes I freak out wondering what I would do if I ran out of diapers.
NYE we spent at the Swensons with TVA. Lots of yummy food and coffee and champagne at midnight. Oh and Rock band. Lots of rock band. I feel like I say it a lot but I really love the friends that I have. I feel blessed to know such great people!
Just put the last of the dirty laundry in the washer...I think we are going to try and make it to Imago tomorrow. Will be Koze's first time in church. We'll see how things go tonight...