So my pre-pregnancy weight was approx 134lbs and I am now at 148lbs. So have gained 14lbs so far. Not bad I suppose. My goal is 25lbs. I have been doing yoga and a LOT of walking (sometimes while carrying heavy bags) which I'm sure has and will continue to help. It is very important to me to be as healthy as I can be during this time not only for my baby's sake but also out of respect for myself and my body. However I do allow myself some indulgences: the chocolate/orange scones from Stumptown and chocolate filled croissants - both extremely delicious. For some reason foods like eggs and meats have sounded SO GROSS at times its hard to stomach. I read in the book Birthing from Within to imagine that I am feeding those foods directly to my baby and that has actually really helped me to get some healthier foods down. And I think about his little muscles growing as he's kicking away and his brain cells developing...those thoughts are very motivating as well.
Sometimes I have dreams that I'm holding his tiny little body in my arms...I always wake up with such an intense feeling of excitement. I feel like there is still so much more to do in order to prepare for his arrival but if it wasn't for all of that I would be growing impatient I think for him to get here. My goal is to have everything in place by Christmas so I can just enjoy the Holidays and really savor the last few days of my pregnancy.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
28 weeks - First day of the 3rd Trimester
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
An Evening with Linds and Ben
Last night Lindsey and Ben introduced me to a few of there favorite You Tube videos...I got kind of teary eyed while I watched each of them (thank you, pregnancy hormones)...
I didn't realize that this scene from the office was inspired by the above, real life wedding...
I want to do this SO BAD...
The below video did bring some tears but not for the same reason as the above videos...
I didn't realize that this scene from the office was inspired by the above, real life wedding...
I want to do this SO BAD...
The below video did bring some tears but not for the same reason as the above videos...
Friday, October 16, 2009
For the last couple of weeks I have noticed what felt like rhythmic little kicks that would go on for a few minutes at a time. At first I thought, 'Wow, this kid has got great rhythm' but it later dawned on me that what I have been feeling are HICCUPS which makes way more sense and is equally if not more exciting because it means his little lungs are busy developing and preparing for when he takes those first breaths of air.
God, I am so in love with him already. I am so excited for his arrival but also want to be able to relish these next couple months of this pregnancy. I have my baby shower coming up on November 5th. Marisa has been AMAZING about putting it together. Since I really dislike traditional baby showers we are going to have a Moroccan style dinner and some tasty fall desserts. My friend laurel is making the food...she's an incredible cook!!!! I feel so excited to have such good friends. Seriously.
God, I am so in love with him already. I am so excited for his arrival but also want to be able to relish these next couple months of this pregnancy. I have my baby shower coming up on November 5th. Marisa has been AMAZING about putting it together. Since I really dislike traditional baby showers we are going to have a Moroccan style dinner and some tasty fall desserts. My friend laurel is making the food...she's an incredible cook!!!! I feel so excited to have such good friends. Seriously.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Visit to Alma - Fetal Flips
Had my monthly visit to Alma this Monday...went by myself this time which was nice. (The last couple I brought my mom or my grandma with me). Aside from my excruciatingly dry skin and the hair falling out everything looked great. While Laura was measuring the kid through my stomach she asked me how I've been feeling. I told her great for the most part and that he seems to be healthy because he's like a wild man in there...and as if to prove my point: Laura was just saying "thats great, he's already positioned head down" and before she was able to get the words out he flipped and was positioned head up. and a little to the right. She said this is a good sign that he's so active and his size and heart rate were just where they should be. I think I get a little more proud of him everyday. I remember early on when I was having bleeding and was so concerned about having a miscarriage I told my mom (she'll never let me forget) that I wanted him to just make up his mind already and something about if he was gonna go I just want him to go. I am SO GLAD he stayed and am so proud of how healthy and strong he is now. I can't believe that in 10 to 12 weeks he'll BE HERE! I feel like my life will never be easy again but it will always be so much better.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Pregnancy Dreams
I emailed this dream to Lindsey and she posted it on her facebook...I copied this version of it from her page as well as the below photo which was taken several years ago after Gen Unleashed I believe.
Fri at 9:44am
This was not my dream BUT Jacquie did dream it while sleeping on my couch, in my apartment after spending the evening eating pizza and watching movies & TV with ME - so I feel like I can take some credit:
I had a dream that I was with a large group of people/friends and we were playing this weird game - something like leap frog. I can't figure out what the objective of the game was but we seemed to be traveling (walking around) in groups and people would randomly leap frog over each other but before they did they would have to sing a line to some song. Whatever we decided to sing didn't seem to matter either although when someone was singing a song to another person it felt like they were telling some sort of inside joke.
I was in a group with Amy Poehler, Will Arnett and Chantelle. Chantelle wouldn't let Will Arnett leap frog over her because he made her uncomfortable UNTIL I told her that he used to be the voice for those old Ford truck commercials. I had to sing the "like a rock" song to her and I remember thinking " 'a rock/iraq' - so much like Arrested Development"
Anyways everyone was singing and jumping over each other. I only got jumped over one time in my dream but I kept falling over because I would try to squat down a little so they didn't kick me but the weight of my stomach threw me off balance. It was ridiculous and I got frustrated but Amy was so nice and told me how the same thing happened to her when she was pregnant. Then her and Will starting singing some worship song like "Shout to the Lord" as we were walking around. They were just belting it out and holding hands like some sort of strange Christian Musical. THEN Will Arnett started praying in tongues while Amy kept singing. I was looking around to see if anyone else was totally shocked by this but no one else seemed to be.
Fri at 9:44am
This was not my dream BUT Jacquie did dream it while sleeping on my couch, in my apartment after spending the evening eating pizza and watching movies & TV with ME - so I feel like I can take some credit:
I had a dream that I was with a large group of people/friends and we were playing this weird game - something like leap frog. I can't figure out what the objective of the game was but we seemed to be traveling (walking around) in groups and people would randomly leap frog over each other but before they did they would have to sing a line to some song. Whatever we decided to sing didn't seem to matter either although when someone was singing a song to another person it felt like they were telling some sort of inside joke.
I was in a group with Amy Poehler, Will Arnett and Chantelle. Chantelle wouldn't let Will Arnett leap frog over her because he made her uncomfortable UNTIL I told her that he used to be the voice for those old Ford truck commercials. I had to sing the "like a rock" song to her and I remember thinking " 'a rock/iraq' - so much like Arrested Development"
Anyways everyone was singing and jumping over each other. I only got jumped over one time in my dream but I kept falling over because I would try to squat down a little so they didn't kick me but the weight of my stomach threw me off balance. It was ridiculous and I got frustrated but Amy was so nice and told me how the same thing happened to her when she was pregnant. Then her and Will starting singing some worship song like "Shout to the Lord" as we were walking around. They were just belting it out and holding hands like some sort of strange Christian Musical. THEN Will Arnett started praying in tongues while Amy kept singing. I was looking around to see if anyone else was totally shocked by this but no one else seemed to be.

Friday, October 2, 2009
Just a quick post tonight since its been awhile...September turned out to be kind of a rough month and full of changes and a few not so great days. But the baby and I are doing well. My stomach is getting bigger and he is becoming increasingly active. its so fun to lay on my back and watch my stomach bounce around while he's doing whatever it is he does. I love it. I'm feeling pretty amazing too. No more sickness unless I forget to eat and let myself get too hungry...very rarely happens.
Will post belly pictures soon...maybe tomorrow. I am really loving my pregnant shape these days. I somehow feel very attractive. its weird.
Will post belly pictures soon...maybe tomorrow. I am really loving my pregnant shape these days. I somehow feel very attractive. its weird.
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